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Are you or your staff adequately equipped and trained to operate your compost facility? If not, join us for the Compost Facility Operators Course!

This 2 ½ day hands-on training course will promote the successful operation of composting in BC and the Yukon.

Topics covered include:

  • Organics Collection and Processing Overview
  • What is Composting and Why Compost?
  • Feedstock Composition
  • Composting – the Science, the Benefits and Challenges
  • Marketing
  • Odour Control
  • Safety
  • Local Regulations and Organic Matter Recycling Regulations (OMRR) Updates

The course will include a field tour and exercise and students will be learning with a hands-on approach at an operating facility. Both processing, handling and curing equipment will be demonstrated.

The course includes a copy of the latest version of the Composting Handbook (Rynk et al, Jan 2022) as the primary resource. The textbook is part of the registration and is required to have on hand at the training course.

All participants will receive a certificate of completion and CEUs where applicable.

Who Should Attend?

  • Professionals who manage municipal composting programs;
  • Operators of municipal composting programs;
  • Waste Management Consultants and Professionals;
  • Composting/Recycling Association Professionals;
  • Agricultural Industry Representatives;
  • Equipment Vendors;
  • Public Officials



The SWANA Pacific Chapter is seeking sponsorship to help develop our new composting training. If you are interested in participating, please contact Stephanie Moorman at [email protected] .


Refund Policy